We blame American Apparel for their AMAZING off the shoulder, sloppy seconds sweatshirts...from last year

Or maybe we can blame Juicy for making Velour tracksuits day wear...SOOOOO happy those Juicy days are far far far behind us all.
**If you are still wearing matching top and bottom tracksuits...TAKE THEM OFF NOW. Donate them to the Goodwill and be on your way.**
...Who ever is to blame for the whole sweats in the day thing...we thank you!!!
See...you didn't think we were gonna say that did you?
But as we sit here typing in the cutest drop crotch, heather grey sweats ever looking quite cute(If we do say so ourselves) with our striped cardi and worn out tee shirt to match we can't help but thank the people responsible!.

Not us but such a great way to wear the new Fashion Sweats....
Sweats have come a looong way from those horrible ones of the recent past. They are full on fashion now!
So super fashion that they are giving them hardcore details to kick your ass in the best smashion-y way possible...
They marched down the runways of Isabel Marant (LOOOOVVEEEE), Burbury, Alexander Wang, Marc Jacobs to name a few (and out faves of course)
OK, now Miss me and I are no strangers to wearing sweats with vintage tees and converse, (our uniform last summer) but it was like a gift from the fashion Gods that they became fashion with the new styles that are out...

Monsieur A. Wang has thrown out Feats (Fashion Sweats...pronounced F-ets..rhymes with sweats) for the last few seasons and we really gotta get down and kiss his cute lil tootsies for that. And this last season he really F'd us up with his Athlete meets fashionista meets Mcgipster.

Ugggh he even made matters worse (in the cutest way) with his new line of underwear and workout-ish wear. We are dying over these Hanes-esque boy undies!

These would look soooo super cute under baggy jeans. Oh...well look who it is...

These would look soooo super cute under baggy jeans. Oh...well look who it is...
What do you get when you mix the 80's, Punk(ish), and sweats? Ashish!

Their hardcore detailing of these 80's sweats is pretty funny and rad.
Throw on a denim jacket (not moto style...too much) and worn out tee and "look who the fashionista dragged in"
They also tried to give Mr Wang a run for his moolah with their rolled hem cropped sweatshirt.

Now you maybe asking.."Um hi...Not all of us have abs o' steel like a 10 year old supermodel or Gwen Stefani..."
That's ok! Wear this with...A. High waisted baggy shorts...B. with a hanes tank under..Tada!

Ooooohhhh honey...we lurve us some good details. And this twisted back sweatshirt from Urban is no exception.
Skinny jeans, buckled wedges (rad ones) and you, our loves, are RTG!
Oh dear LORD....What ...who...what????? Huh???

Oh dear LORD....What ...who...what????? Huh???
Snake drop crotch "sweat shorts"?????
3.1 Phillip Lim...you butt head!!!!! We are crazy in heartville with these shorts!!!!!!!!!

How the F are we gonna get these and wear them???
JCrew gives us a good ole spanking with their super rad zipper bottom version.
We love that they paired them with yummy Gladiators!

Hello rad Cheap Monday Shredded Feats top! We heart you!!!!
Thank goodness XXI got on the band wagon too! Yesterday someone we know well (OK me) was wearing a rad grommet shoulder Feats top from them and people thought it was some $$$ designer!
This studded shoulder XXI top is not the one we were wearing but super similar and...yeah...hi...it's $18. Done and Done!

Oh hi....yeah that's right..Feats come in all forms now...even super cute vests!
Throw this bad boy on with a looong slouchy tank dress and watch out!

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