If you were ever to get all of our fashion idols together in a room and give them a little wine while you had a conversation about inspiration and THEIR fashion icons...

We bet you not even 5 minutes would pass before someone brought up the insanely amazing Jane Birkin.

Not only is Jane Birkin stupidly beautiful...

She is dripping with cool.

Style like hers is not made... It just is. Everything she ever threw together out of her closet was pure fashion gold.

The problem with girls like Jane Birkin, is that you can try your whole life to imitate, but you will never capture exactly what she has.

Will that fact stop us from trying? HELL to the NO!

If we could ever even look one iota as carefree and stylish as her you better believe we are gonna give it all we got.
She knows how to get out of a car like a lady..
(Hollywood celebutants pay attention!)

She is one sexy mama....

Her skirts could not be shorter and her fashion choices more daring.

That picnic basket for a purse... DIE!
Trust us, if we knew where to get this exact basket, we would tell you. We have been searching for weeks! So if you find one, grab a couple extra and send them our way!
So, what have you learned from Jane?
This is what we saw.
1. Less makeup sometimes looks more perfect.
2. Don't worry to much about your hair, windblown is super sexy.
3. The shorter the skirt, the lower the heels... *If you are going for the Birkin look.
4. Casual can look fantastic.
5. Celebrate your natural sexy, don't be shy.
So, if we were trying to stock our closet with Birkin inspired pieces...
This is what we would die for.

Delicious, beautiful, long and white. So very jane.
Thanks again Rachel Pally.

Why not show a little skin? This super sexy peek-a-boo sweater from Rogan is about as casual cool as it gets.

Pair it with some hot pants to really heat things up.

If you dare wear short shorts, these are the ones. Super high waisted and love the button detail. We would pair these Current Elliot shorts with some pretty flat sandals.

Ummm, not really sure this dress is short enough to be Jane-ish... So maybe we would have to bust out the trusty scissors, they really are a girls best friend.
Try your new micro mini with these cute low Gabriella Rocha mary janes.

Trust us*, you are sexy enough with out the extra 3 inches your regular heels give you. Hey, you might even feel sexier due to the fact that your not limping at the end of the night!
* My partner and I may disagree on this... She wears heels WAY better then I do.
We are so insane over these high-waisted J brands. We tried to try them on in a store last week, and they only had teeny tiny sizes.

The dream is still alive though, we will own these fantastic jeans. I embrace the high waisted jean look whole heartedly because
A. I'm a mama, and I have to bend down to kid height a lot.
B. When bending down to kid height, your ass stays in your jeans.
C. The whole park is saved from seeing your tramp stamp!
Win, Win, Win!
Plus they are very Jane Birkin.
If dreams really are coming true around here, then we will for sure be getting these for our birthday next month!
We can wear them with our new jeans!
To find out more about Jane Birkin, like what her music sounds like, what films she was in, why Hermes named their most famous bag after her and what an amazing person she is. Read more here.
We heart you Jane thanks for the inspiration.
XOXO- Things-We-Heart

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