George was talking to his girlfriend one night, and he began to run his fingers through her hair.
"You like my hair?" she asked.
"Of course" George replied. Then George felt a weird tingle. He felt heat running through his body, and then he felt himself losing form. He was melting! But his girlfriend held up a bottle, and he was somehow being funneled into it, until his whole body liquefied into a gel type substance. He saw his girlfriend close the bottle, and carry the bottle into her bathroom. He was scared, but he got excited as his girlfriend started to strip. When she was nude, she stepped into the shower, and turned it on. After rinsing her body a few times, she grabbed the bottle George was in, and started to squirt some of him into her hand. George was terrified, as he was now liquid in the palm of his girlfriend's hair.
"This is your time" She said. She started rubbing him through her hair. He felt his whole self being scrubbed through each individual hair. He could feel the dirt coming off of it. He was her shampoo, cleansing her hair for her. He felt the pleasure. This was the best thing he had ever experienced. But as soon as it started, it was over. He felt water hitting him. He was slowly running down her back, getting closer to the drain.
"All for just one moment" his girlfriend said, "And then you are nothing" George ran down her butt, then her legs, and then he was going down the drain. He tried to say good bye to his girlfriend, but nothing came out. The best moment of his life...was his last.
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