From the Diary of Daniel Jones #4 - Loe fashion
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From the Diary of Daniel Jones #4

Written By Unknown on Saturday, September 4, 2010 | 12:50 PM

December 3, 2002
I spent forever in her suitcase, unable to move or see anything. It was complete darkness...and emptiness. I felt rejected almost, and helpless. I was unable to do anything. But then the light spilled into the suitcase, and Jenny was staring down at me.
"Why, hello there" she said. "I bet you feel sad and lonely cooped up in there. I think it's time for a new form" she snapped her fingers, and I began to change shape. I shrank down to a very, very small size, and my form diminished into a small circle. I felt so small and insignificant, which I got the feeling is what she wanted. She grabbed me with her huge hands, and stretched me out so far I would've screamed in pain. Then she gathered her hair into a ponytail, and snapped me around hit. Her hair was soft. I didn't think I'd get such a reaction when I touch her hair, but I did. It wasn't a bad feeling, it was actually kind of nice. I could feel, smell, and taste her hair. And the odd thing was, I liked it.
Finally able to see things happening, I could tell that we weren't at my house anymore. I guess I was at her cousin's house or something. She was talking with some other girl a little younger than her, and they were laughing about something that I tried not to listen to. Something about some guy that Jenny met. So I contentedly wrapped myself around her hair, and sank in the smell and taste of her soft hair. The rest of the day, well, I don't remember much of the rest of the day. It was hard to see what was going on from where I was. And everything I heard was a woman's conversation, nothing interesting. But I wasn't was a...job I guess you'd say, stretched across a girl's ponytail, holding it together. But even though it was a task, it was worth it. It was so comfortable, and nobody would ever know I was there. At the end of the day, Jenny was in the bathroom, taking her ear rings off. She took me off, and sat me on the counter.
"Enjoy today?" she asked.
Yeah, I thought. Of course, she didn't hear me. And now I replayed the whole day in my mind, sitting there in the dark, the whole night.....
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