Needless to say, we are super excited about the impending release of Snow White & The Huntsman.
Mixing together our favorite dark fairytale princess, with ass-kicking and lots of heavy metal armor and deliciously rich fabrics.... You already have us hooked!

We are so inspired by the amazing costume and art design of this film,
(Thank you very much to the legendary Colleen Atwood)
Lets start from the top down shall we?
As we try to play a little bit of Snow White & A little bit of The Dark Queen.
So, first off it is sort of hard to talk about how fantastic Charlize Theron looks in this movie,
but obviously we are going to try.
The beautiful braided locks with the insane spiked crown?
Yes please.

We found these Lili Claspe fish bone braided headbands with bad-ass spikes and instantly bought one for each of us. (Shhh, don't tell Erin...)
Plan on piling you hair in intricate braids, the more the better and wearing a few of these on top.

Now, we are going to need some serious armor, and where better to find that then at Armor Jewelry?
Now, we have been in love before... But this jewelry is making it all feel new again. Stunningly feminine and totally tough at the same time, its like it was made for us.

One of these pieces could make any simple dress incredibly special.
Speaking of simple dresses, this little leather dress from Thankoon is KILLING us!! Sadly, it would also kill our wallets. But dreaming is good right?
A more attainable dream is these sky-high spiked wedges from web-boutique dream emporium
Nasty Gal, oh Nasty Gal, how we love you.
And because we are not really evil queens, or huntsman at heart... How about a little vegan "leather" in the mix? Look like a bad ass with out hurting one living thing!
This faux leather jacket from Urban Outfitters is totally Knight worthy.
Least we forget our finger tips... A good silver is hard to resist.
We have a lot of love for Chanel, Graphite.
(Thanks NailNerd for the image)
Thank you Kristin & Charlize for looking as amazing on the red carpet, as you do on the silver screen.
So many great ways to work this look from head to pinky toes.
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